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I am one of the most juxtaposing people on this planet. I constantly contradict myself in the oddest ways. I am the Reaper and the Angel.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Something I forgot to bitch about lol

I will never watch Mindfreak with Thomas around ever again. I did so yesterday and my GOD! He takes all the fun out of every trick and illusion and stunt that's done by blurting out what he thinks is really going on and how it was accomplished. It was a total killjoy! How am I supposed to enjoy the show if he's sitting there trying to explain to me how everything is done?! I hate it when he does that! I'm not stupid, I'm well aware that what Criss Angel does isn't real magic, but I watch it not only because of what he does but what he inspires people to do; believe. People think that the things he does are impossible and should never even be thought of, let alone attempted, and yet, Criss does the most amazing, impossible things, showing everyone that these things can be done. Having a total skeptic in the room while watching Criss' show is just annoying. I felt like kicking Thomas the entire time. Mindfreak is one of the few things in this world that makes people doubt the norm and having Thomas try to explain away everything on it thoroughly irks me! Why can't he just enjoy the illusions without trying to be the freakin' Messiah of Information?! I don't care how they're done! I don't ever want to know how Criss does his tricks and illusions, because that takes away all the magic of them! I don't know, don't care, never want to. I just want to see them, to know these things have been done by someone. If the method is proved and shown, then it's not special anymore.

So never again. Thomas + Mindfreak = >:| Grrr

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